About Me
Hi there! Thanks for visiting my personal page.
My name is Matt Frost, and this is my little corner on the web.
I love coding, experimenting with new web technologies, and creating cool websites.
Feel free to explore and check out some of my projects.
Hit me up on Myspace!
Cloud Corner
I'm a cool bro by night and a cloud engineer by day.
Embrace your cringe.
Failed Publications
Was looking to get published but some deals fell through unfortunately.
For this, I've decided to open source my works for the public. You're welcome.
Successful Projects
Things that I've made.
My Apple world
No Bill Gates Allowed!!
My Music
Dreams Are For Sleep
...is a name I made when I started making music in college.
Failing classes and uncertain for the future,
I found some solace in expressing those frustrations in music.
Armed with a PowerMac G4 (Sawtooth), Garageband and an Axiom49 keyboard,
I began my own therapy in finding a hopeful future where I could dream again.
It's not the best music, but it's mine. Dream on....